
Veganské štědrovečerní menu

Christmas, or more precisely, Christmas Day, is a holiday when people all over the world sit down for a special dinner with their loved ones. It’s an event that is no longer reserved only for Christians and is celebrated by people across cultures. Many households prepare selected meals and all look forward to their typical […]

Čo jem cez deň / časť 05

You enjoyed the preview of what my breakfast looked like throughout the week, which makes me very happy, and to this day I’m excited about every message you send me with how you loved any dish or it inspired you. In the future, I will be happy to prepare a continuation of the article and […]

Týždeň vo vegánskych raňajkách

Raňajky nie sú moje obľúbené jedlo dňa. Na strednej som nikdy neraňajkovala, lebo o pol siedmej ráno som ešte nemala hlad a jedla som až v škole, počas výšky som často vstávala až pomerne neskoro, takže jesť pred obedom nemalo zmysel. A keď som z jedálnička vylúčila všetky živočíšne produkty, moje možnosti sa značne obmedzili […]

Čo jem cez deň / časť 04

Today I’m bringing you the fourth post in the mini series What I Eat In A Day; and today it will be a little special because it’s an example of what I eat when I’m at work. I eat breakfast, of course, at home, and I eat dinner at home as well, but when it […]

Čo jem cez deň / časť 03

I’m very pleased that you like What I Eat In A Day – when I think how long I postponed writing and preparing such posts just because I had the impression that my recipes were boring, uninteresting, ordinary and that you’ll certainly only roll your eyes at them; so you can probably imagine my excitement […]

Čo jem cez deň / časť 02

Honestly, I didn’t expect the post What I Eat In A Day to be so sucessful. But I’m even more pleased that you liked it and were interested in a second part. Therefore, I will not keep you waiting any longer with a super long intro – let’s get into it! Cocoa yoghurt with fruit […]

Čo jem cez deň / časť 01

I think Daria is not the only one who’s interested in what I usually eat; or more so what vegans eat during the day. When I switched to vegetarianism four years ago and eliminated meat from my diet, I did like the idea of eating only a plant-based diet, but I thought it was only […]