Bez krutosti

Prečo vegáni nejedia med

Source: HERE. Picture is cropped and edited. Everyone can understand why vegans don’t eat mat, why they don’t consume milk and dairy products and why they avoid eggs. But many people don’t understand why vegans don’t eat honey either. I mean… the bees produce it for us, don’t they? It’s their only job, they produce […]

Prečo som prešla na vegánstvo

I have mentioned a few times already, that veganism is a bit more difficult for me than vegetarianism was. Excluding meat, meat products and fish from my diet was fairly simple, and basically it happened within a day, but milk, eggs, dairy products, and honey were a bigger step than I have expected – mainly […]

Všetko o mäsopriemysle

I recently wrote my story about my transition to vegetarianism and my thoughts after three years and I was pleased by your reactions. Today I would like to talk about this topic a little bit more. After this change, I learned about things that have not only shocked me, but it did – and still […]