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Clear food containers with legumes, oats, sugar.

In the post Reduce Food Waste, Berenika touched on the topic of food waste. It’s unnecessary to remind how absurd this problem is. On the one hand, there are people who have huge opportunities, a huge surplus and waste food. On the other hand, there are people who have to deal with the issue what […]

Čo som si kúpila zo Zemito.cz

Zemito is an eshop with a wide selection of products for a more sustainable life. On their site you can buy zero waste household prooducts — everything from cleaning stuff to storing food in the kitchen — but also cosmetics, cleaning products, composters or even books and toys for children. It works on two more […]

Zero waste — čo MUSÍTE mať

You can find thousands of articles and videos about zero waste. There are also a few of them on this blog. Recently, the bag has been torn with this trend – package free shops are opening up, they charge you for a plastic bag at the store in Slovakia, metal straws are a hit, and […]

Ako používať menej papiera

Zero waste doesn’t only mean rejecting plastic. Plastics are among all common materials the most harmful, because they never decompose in nature (they only break into microparticles), many are non-recyclable and harm the environment; but zero waste lifestyle means not creating any form of waste. Paper is, of course, recyclable and compostable. This is why […]

Príliš veľa plastu

First of all, I would like to say that I am delighted with all your reactions to the articles. I appreciate every single comment and it means a lot to me – especially when I see how many people are getting interested the environment; and when I read below the articles, how do you try […]