Pravda o rýchlej móde

Most people know what is hiding behind the clothes hanging in our closets. They know that they are pieces that are produced in developing countries, where people are working hard in poor conditions for little money. But that’s more or less everything. Normally, you will not find more details on this topic in television or […]

Všetko o kokosovom oleji

For a very long time, I didn’t really linger over coconut oil. Although I heard from everywhere how amazing and versatile it is, I somehow didn’t believe it – and now I can’t even tell you why. When I started to get more into a zero waste lifestyle, suddenly, coconut oil was everywhere; and in […]

Hydro Primer od Alverde

Primer is an inseparable part of my daily make-up routine for several years. It has happened to me a few times that I did not wear it (usually because I ran out of the product, but I have forgot to use it sometimes) and the difference I can not only feel, but mostly see. For […]

Prvé kroky k minimalizmu

Since I learned more about minimalism, I was amazed. I was astonished at the people who were able to reduce their stuff so much that they only lived with a small amount of what they really needed and used. I read the article after the article, watched videos for hours and admired simple wardrobes, airy […]

Všetko o mäsopriemysle

I recently wrote my story about my transition to vegetarianism and my thoughts after three years and I was pleased by your reactions. Today I would like to talk about this topic a little bit more. After this change, I learned about things that have not only shocked me, but it did – and still […]

Tri roky vegetariánkou

I do not know myself how it is possible, that it’s been three years since I went vegetarian – but on the other hand, it’s been a very long time since I last eaten meat. I read the older article posted a few months after this change, but now I have a feeling that I […]