Ako na vegánstvo

Ako prejsť na vegánstvo

Although many think veganism is just about the structure of the diet, it’s not quite true. Someone can eat only plant based diet and not be vegan. The difference is that the concept of “plant based” really covers only diets – the rejection of animal products; while veganism is a complex lifestyle that is against […]

Je mlieko zdravé?

A few weeks back I wrote about the dairy industry and what a cruel reality is hidden behind it. But when I was creating that article, I purposely avoided one topic because I knew I wanted to give it a closer look in a special post. We have all heard many times that milk is […]

Vegánstvo a nedostatky živín

Among the first questions that I had to face when people around me found out I was going vegetarian, was where would I get the protein. I always brushed it aside, because I knew that in dairy products and legumens I would get more than enough, but after I had decided that I want to […]

Prečo som prešla na vegánstvo

I have mentioned a few times already, that veganism is a bit more difficult for me than vegetarianism was. Excluding meat, meat products and fish from my diet was fairly simple, and basically it happened within a day, but milk, eggs, dairy products, and honey were a bigger step than I have expected – mainly […]

Prvé kroky k vegetariánstvu

There are two articles published on this blog that are focused on vegetarianism – my update after three years and a post dedicated to meat industry. Your positive comments made me very happy, but again I came across one sentence that I see quite a lot also on Instagram or in rea life. When I […]

Všetko o mäsopriemysle

I recently wrote my story about my transition to vegetarianism and my thoughts after three years and I was pleased by your reactions. Today I would like to talk about this topic a little bit more. After this change, I learned about things that have not only shocked me, but it did – and still […]

Tri roky vegetariánkou

I do not know myself how it is possible, that it’s been three years since I went vegetarian – but on the other hand, it’s been a very long time since I last eaten meat. I read the older article posted a few months after this change, but now I have a feeling that I […]