Prírodná kozmetika
Mangový krém od Kvitok
3 značky dekoratívnej zero waste kozmetiky
Tyčinka na pery Mango zázvor od Ponio
České značky prírodnej kozmetiky

I have been interested in natural cosmetics for quite some time. About two years ago, when I started reading more articles and watching more videos about what is in common products and what dangerous substances we put on our skin every day, assuming it would help us, my decision was quick and clear. Today, I […]
DIY prírodné pleťové masky (ktoré naozaj fungujú)
Zubný prášok Žiarivý úsmev od Kvitok

During my journey of zero waste and looking for alternatives to conventional products and cosmetics, I began to look for a substitute for common toothpaste. I wanted to find something that was vegan, only from natural ingredients and packed in reusable or recycled packaging, or completely unpackaged. At first, I made my toothpaste at home […]
Ricínový olej a jeho výhody
Tuhý dezodorant Tea tree & lemongras od Ponio

I have already tried Mylo‘s solid deodorant (both versions that they currently offer — Kvetinová pazuška and Grepová pazuška), and I had several packages from them because I was very satisfied with it. It smells beautifully, lasts for a long time and fulfilled its role perfectly. Then I tested the deodorant from Soaphoria, which I […]