Cesta k zero waste

Udržateľné nápady na darčeky pre všetkých (a pre každý rozpočet)

Christmas is just around the corner — and here comes the time of coming up with gifts, chasing around the shops and packing. But have you ever wondered how much waste you produce during Christmas? The wrappers in which the presents are, the materials they are made of, the wrapping paper that, after a few […]

Čo je udržateľnosť

Over the past year, the interest in environmental protection has increased several times. People are more aware of the importance of reducing our plastic consumption and waste production; and many companies are responding to it – package free shops open across the country where you can buy groceries and cosmetics without unnecessary packaging, you can […]

Recyklovanie papiera

Four months ago, a post was added to the blog titled Recycling Plastic, where you could read about what plastic is, what it’s made of, what kinds of plastic we know, but mainly how and why we recycle plastic. Today I bring you the continuation of this article, but this time we focus on paper. […]

Späť do školy bez odpadu

Before us is the last week of the holidays; and I’m definitely not alone who’s a bit confused about how fast the summer has gone by. And while many will visit the beach for the last time, organize a quick trip or enjoy a relaxed gathering with friends, no one will flee before preparing for […]

Zero waste — čo MUSÍTE mať

You can find thousands of articles and videos about zero waste. There are also a few of them on this blog. Recently, the bag has been torn with this trend – package free shops are opening up, they charge you for a plastic bag at the store in Slovakia, metal straws are a hit, and […]